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A Mother's Due

Even Politics blocks a Uniform Civil Code Supreme Court Speaks up for Individual Right.
In a significant decision the Supreme Court allowed a single mother, who happened to be Christian, the right to apply for sole guardian ship of her young son without needing the consent of his biological father. It spoke of the relative disadvantage of Christian unwed mothers, who are not presumed to be the natural guardians of their children by the Guardians and Wards Act that governs these matters. The court also observed that the Uniform Civil Code envisioned in the Constitution's directive principles remains an unaddressed expectation.
This is a welcome ruling, one that comes down on the side of personal freedom and equal rights of citizenship. Like a similar judgment last year when the Supreme Court gave religious minorities the right to legally adopt children even if personal law contradicted it, this judgment expands freedom in the familial domain. It shows the way forward even as political debate on the Uniform Civil Code remains stuck in old arguments between right wing voices that want to use it as a weapon to efface minority personal laws now that the Hindu code has had to fall in line, and minorities who see it as an attempt to ride roughshod over their right to protect their religious tenets and cultural distinctiveness. Either way, this situation hurts women from minority communities.

Primary education first, religious later

Exempting madrasas and Vedic pathshalas from application of the RTE goes against Article 21A — a Fundamental Right

The Maharashtra government’s move to conduct a survey to get a headcount of out-of-school children has shocked many Muslim leaders, the Opposition and a section of the intelligentsia that have termed the move as ‘anti-minority’. The state considers those going to madrasas and Vedic pathshalas as out-of-school children. Unfortunately, they have failed to realise that the state is performing its duty under the Right to Education Act (RTE) and the relevant rules that require it to ensure compliance of norms to be followed by educational institutions to qualify as schools.
Under the RTE Act, schools are required to teach mathematics, science, English and social studies. Second, the critics of the move have ignored the fact that the issue relates to the Fundamental Right to free and compulsory education of children, particularly those from poor Muslim families who go to madrasas that primarily impart religious education.
Then should the State abdicate its constitutional duty of providing free and compulsory education to children in the age group of six and 14 because some religious leaders object to it?
There appears to be a sinister design to communalise the issue by painting the exercise as an attempt to interfere with Muslims’ right to religion and their right to establish and administer educational institutions — a Fundamental Right guaranteed under Article 30.

Skill development in rural India: A road map to efficient utilization of human resources

With a meagre 2.4% of existent landmass, India has been a homeland for 17.5% of total population of the globe. The distribution of Indian population is concentrated more in urban landscapes throughout the country. After almost eight decades after independence, though India is gradually making her way to be among economically developed nations, the pace of development can be accelerated largely with a right approach to an all-inclusive progress. Diversity has been a unique identity of the nation, but the populace is largely diversified being clustered based on multiple verticals such as economy, education, location, caste and community.
The 2001 census indicated that 72.2% of the total population is distributed in about 638,000 villages while the remaining 27.8% lives in more than 5,100 towns and over 280 urban agglomerations. From these demographics, the diversity of distribution in rural and urban localities is quite evident in India. While national leaders of pre-independent India such as Mahatma Gandhi emphasised on rural empowerment, post independent reorganisation of the country has been quite ineffective to convert such ideas into reality. Government initiatives for a developed India are not apathetic to rural peripheries, but the process is apparently inadequate. Either the functioning of government initiatives is with glitches or with serious setbacks on policy fronts. Issues such as farmer suicide still rage the country when the brighter face of a rich India shine abroad in other nations.

Digital India

Digital India was Inaugurated on 1st july,2015 by Honorable Prime minister 

It is one of the most important, worth , huge and precious Project of GOI till today. It will give impetus and support to all the earlier  project . It will support in Accessibility , communication , prompt ( time bound) service   and  curbing corruption . It will also help the Present and next generation In education , research,across business sector , Agriculture, Health Care,  MET ( Weather) and day to day communication . The Globe will be much closer and within reach of Every Indian. 

Why hue & cry on International Yoga Day ?

Media , Political parties and secular lobbies asking about the Intention and converting into Mega Event. Plea is people are doing Yoga since long and its been heritage of Indian Culture than why Government is creating hype in its own favour . Is the fate of Yoga will not be the same as happening in the case of Swach Bharat Abhiwan .
Yes We all agree and convince on our culture and heritage but bringing Maximum Countries on one Platform is the contribution of the Present Government and we must not only celebrate but also propagate for the Man kind.

Yesterday I was at India News on the above subject . Mr N.K.Singh Noted Journalist and General secretary of Broadcasting Association Presented his views. He stated Political Movement die-down unless its backed by Social Movement/Reformer. Some one discussing on Chinese Mats and Political Mileage and why Congress Leadership & State of other Political Parties are opposed to the Movement.

वाराणसी: 30 बेरोजगारों को इलेक्ट्रिकल ट्रेड में दिया गया प्रशिक्षण

डीजल रेल इंजन कारखाना(डीरेका) के टेक्निकल ट्रेनिंग सेंटर ऑडिटोरियम में सोमवार को आयोजित कौशल विकास प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के तहत 30 स्‍थानीय बेरोजगार लोगों को इलेक्ट्रिकल ट्रेड में प्रशिक्षित किया गया। 

इस प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के दौरान सभी को विद्युत उपकरणों की जानकारी, वायरिंग एवं सीरीज टेस्टिंग बोर्ड इत्‍यादि से संबंधित प्रायोगिक एवं सैद्धांतिक प्रशिक्षण दिया गया। प्रशिक्षित नवयुवक/नवयुवतियों को टेक्निकल ट्रेनिंग सेंटर के प्राचार्य विवेक आचार्य ने सर्टिफिकेट भी दिया। 

इसी क्रम में 30 अन्‍य चयनित नवयुवकों/नवयुवतियों को 29 जून से 11 जुलाई तक वेल्डिंग ट्रेड में प्रशिक्षित किया जाएगा। इस शिविर में बेरोजगार युवाओं को वेल्डिंग उपकरणों की जानकारी, वेल्डिंग के प्रकार, वेल्डिंग ज्‍वाइंट्स और ब्रेजिंग इत्‍यादि से संबंधित प्रायोगिक प्रशिक्षण दिया जाएगा। इसके  बाद अगला प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम 13 से 25 जुलाई तक चलाया जाएगा।

टैबलेट पाठशाला में ग़रीब बच्चे सीख रहे हैं आधुनिक शिक्षा

दो एकम दो, दो दूनी चार' ये आवाज़ सारनाथ के मवईयां गांव में सुबह के समय रोज़ सुनाई देती है। बच्चे हाथ में टैबलेट लिए उस पर सहजता से उंगलियां फिराते हुए गणित के पहाड़े और अंग्रेज़ी की ए बी सी डी पढ़ रहे हैं। पेश है वाराणसी के सारनाथ स्थित मवईयां गांव से iamin की ख़ास रिपोर्ट।

भारत के ग़रीब बच्चों में शिक्षा की अलख जगाने के लिए कैंब्रिज यूनिवर्सिटी के दलाईलामा सेंटर फॉर एथनिक वैल्यूज एंड ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन ने एक अनूठी पहल शुरू की है। वाराणसी में शुरू किए गए पायलट प्रोजेक्ट के तहत यहां ग़रीब बस्ती के बच्चों को टैबलेट्स के ज़रिए पढ़ाया जा रहा है। ख़ास बात ये है कि इस प्रोजेक्ट में 4 से 8 वर्ष की उम्र के बच्चे टैबलेट से खुद ही पढ़ते हैं और खेलते हैं वो भी बिना किसी की मदद के।
फोटो- सैयद फ़ैज हसनैनयहां स्थानीय टीचर का काम बस निगरानी रखना है।फोटो- सैयद फ़ैज हसनैन

ये वो अनोखी पाठशाला है जो कैंब्रिज यूनिवर्सिटी के एमआईटी की तरफ से वाराणसी के सारनाथ स्थित मवाइयां बस्ती में चलाई जा रही है। एमआईटी के दलाईलामा सेंटर फॉर एथनिक वैल्यूज एंड ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन के एक रिसर्च प्रोजेक्ट के तहत यहां इन ग़रीब छोटे बच्चों को टैबलेट के ज़रिए पढ़ाया जा रहा है। बच्चे टैबलेट से पढ़ते भी हैं और खेलते भी हैं। शहर की सामाजिक संस्था ह्यूमन वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन की देखरेख में चल रही इस पाठशाला में ये टैबलेट ही उनका टीचर है। स्थानीय टीचर का काम सिर्फ निगरानी रखना भर है।

My Primary School - Pokhra

Descriptive School Report

 School Code : 09641703901    Name of School: P.S. POKHRA Village:  POKHRA    Block: DOBHI Cluster: BODSER KHURD    District: JAUNPUR State: UTTAR PRADESH  

This report is automatically generated by computer based on the data provided by the school as on September 30, 2008.

The school was established in 1900 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in rural area. It is situated at a distance of about 6 km. from the Block HQ. It is located in DOBHI block of JAUNPUR district of UTTAR PRADESH. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 5. The school is co-educational and it has an attached pre-primary section. However, it does not have separate teachers for pre-primary section. The school is non-residential in nature and is not using school building as a shift-school. During the previous academic year, the school functioned for 220 days. It had no academic inspection and was not visited by the CRC and BRC Coordinators during the previous academic year. Hindi is the medium of instructions in this school.
The school has 2 building blocks which are housed in a Government building. It has got 5 classrooms for instructional purposes. A total of 2 classrooms are in good condition. On the other hand, 2 of the classrooms need major repairs. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities.
The school has got pucca but broken boundary wall. The school does not have electricity connection. The source of Drinking Water in the school is Hand Pump. The school has a common toilet and also has a separate toilet for girls as well. The school does not have playground. The school does not have a book-bank. The school arranged medical check-up for its students during the previous academic year. It has got ramp for the disabled children. The school has got 7 blackboards for the use of teachers and 3 blackboards at the ground level for the use of children. The school does not have a computer.
Mr./Ms. DAYA SHANKAR is the Head Master/Teacher of school and his/her academic qualification is Higher Secondary. The school has 3 regular teachers in position against a sanctioned strength of 5 posts. In addition, the school has got 2 Para-Teachers. All the teachers of school are female teachers. The school does not have non-teaching staff. Precisely, 2 teachers of school are having graduate and above degrees. On the other hand, 3 teachers have professional certification(s)/degree(s). The Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) of the school is 30:1 and the Student-Classroom Ratio (SCR), 30:1. On an average, about 30 students sit in one classroom which sounds comfortable.
During the previous academic year, no teacher was engaged for even a single day in non-teaching assignments.
Under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme, the school did not receive School Development and TLM Grants. The school did not collect any funds from students during the previous academic year.
The total enrolment of school is 149, out of which boys' enrolment is 89 (59.7 per cent) and girls' enrolment, 60 (40.3 per cent). The SC enrolment is 86 (57.7 per cent), ST enrolment, zero and OBC enrolment, 48 (32.2 per cent). No student repeated primary grades during the previous academic year. The school has 6 disabled children.
A number of incentives such as free textbooks (108 students), stationery (0 students), uniform (47 students) and attendance scholarship (0 students) were provided to students during the previous academic year.

Of the total students appeared in Grade V examination, 100 per cent passed the examination. About 86 per cent students passed the examination with 60 per cent and above marks.
Major Strengths & Weakness
The school has a boundary wall.
Teachers of school are well qualified as they have graduate & above degrees.
The teachers are professionally qualified.
The school has a regular Head Master/Teacher.
There are female teachers in the school.
The school has got girls' toilet.
The school has a comfortable Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR).
The school was not inspected during the previous academic year. It was not even visited by the CRC Coordinator during the previous academic year.
The school did not receive School Development Grant during the previous academic yea


Doing work and getting compensation are two different things in Noida. Most of the Units are in SSI Category or willingly kept in SSI for getting benefits .After going beyond the limit many more companies are created  to reap the benefit of SSI facilities. 

Instead of behaving like big companies, the culture doesn’t change even after 2-3 decades they behave like one man show – i.e. the owner. No collective decision or any authority to any one, employees are on the mercy of owner. Entry and Exit are the part of the daily game. If they are satisfied with the worker on flattery or listening their FOUL and ABUSIVE Gali's they are continued or asked to leave without paying their compensation.
The Security guards are asked not to enter the old staff for the want of Payment/compensation/salary.

MJ Group ( MJ Global, MJ International , MJ packaging, MJ Enterprises ), B-51, 52, Sector-59,NOIDA, SSI Unit is on the same page on above behaviour. The attrition rate is very high equal to  95 % where every next month new employee is there. They are shown door after one month for the want of non- performance or dirty games. Mr Rajiv Bhatnagar the owner of the company who don't know how to behave with their employees and generally use Foul and abusive language. The environment is frightening when he don't listen to new employee of even two days old. No one is there to guide you, to tell you what to do , but you need to perform without any knowledge of the company or clearing his old issues of non compliance/ Poor quality, Moisture, non delivery, rate difference debit note recovery, c-FORM of 5 year of pending ,Sales Tax Issue .

New employees are loaded with many riders of work and within few days of without any knowledge of the company, you are non performer and asked to leave without any salary/compensation.
What a Strange Organization? Some of the new employees leave even after a day or two after seeing the environment or culture. It's like stinking.

It has crossed all human right Index, no care or approach for human care, treating them like animals and want your company should progress on above conditions. Calling old Employee Chor, Loot ke le gaye, MC & BC and F**K Maa ki C***t , Seating on A***S after every next words . 

What kind of employment opportunities we are going to give to young India? Or simply saying this is the Fact, you have to bear with it . Independent India is full of wealthy miscreants who enjoy their wealth on poor employees.